Huaraz Huaraz !!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE IN !!!!!!!! Well, finally we're here !!!!!! After two days of airplanes, lios in Sao Paulo, one night in Lima and a trip by bus from 4,000 meters are in Huaraz! We have a hard time but if there's no going back, we are currently recruiting mules and transportation to begin our adventure, start at the Pico Ishinca and if we have time the Urus, both around 6000 meters. Four days we will be in the mountains, easy according to the data we have, and that's why we have chosen to acclimate .....
when go down will tell you that this has all gone!
until then .................... Let's have fun !!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡
keep you informed ........ ....... over and out.