Sunday, March 27, 2011

Requirements For A Florida Mortitian

The bottle is ruining the teeth of infants, says expert Sydney Children's Hospital

In the main children's hospital in Australia are encouraging parents to stop feeding babies with a bottle (bottle known in different regions of Latin America as a bottle, pacha, bottle, bottle) by the severe incidence of caries in infants up to only 12 months.

Westmead Children's Hospital, Sydney, warned that prolonged bottle-feeding, either breast milk or formula, is associated with the problem, especially at night when you leave the baby in the crib sucking on the bottle for prolonged periods .

chief of hospital dental services, Associate Professor Richard Widmer, said that the naturally occurring lactose in human milk and formulas, and when it is combined with the plate in the baby's mouth can erode the enamel of primary teeth.

"Ideally, children should spend the breast to drink from a cup, eliminating the bottle completely," added Professor Widmer.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Congratulations On Colleague Wedding

Earth Hour 2011 - March 26

It will be Saturday from 20:30 to 21:30 26. The proposal is to turn off their lights for one hour. Powered
and coordinated by the Word Wildlife Foundation (WWF International) Saturday March 26, 2011 at 20:30 hours, individuals, communities, businesses and governments around the world turn off their lights for one hour - Earth Hour -.

The initiative to combat climate change, Earth Hour 2011 will get hundreds of millions of people in towns and cities on six continents turn off the lights for one hour, with a view to achieving the global commitment for the benefit the environment.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's Happen Denise Milani

22 March World Water Day

Monday, March 14, 2011

Buy 1 Get 1 Movie Tickets Hdfc

French dentists distance of amalgam

The most common material used to fill cavities in our teeth is half mercury, a toxic substance. Most people in France living with mercury fillings, probably without knowing it. Doctors and patients are becoming increasingly critical of what is technically known as dental amalgams, which is charged with certain neurological or autoimmune disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

Some countries, including Sweden last year and by Norway, Denmark and Germany have already banned or restricted the use of dental amalgam. This has not happened yet in France or in Britain. The European Commission in March to publish the findings of a study undertaken on dental amalgams. In a preliminary report publicado en internet en julio pasado, la compañía encargada del estudio, Bio Intelligence Service, recomendó la desaparición gradual de las amalgamas en el cuidado oral en Europa.

Sin embargo, Afssaps recomienda que las madres que esperan un bebé o en periodo de lactancia, y cualquier persona con problemas renales deben evitar empastes de mercurio. "No hay riesgo para la salud", dice el Dr. David Siarri, un dentista de París, pero al mismo tiempo que admite que utiliza "amalgamas dentales muy poco y sólo en determinados casos."

"La tecnología dental está cambiando muy rápido. Hay un montón de materiales de relleno, pero tenemos que tener cuidado con todos los materiales used in dentistry, "says Siarri. So what do we do?" There is no universal solution, "says Goldberg." The real priority is to prevent dental caries. "

This article originally appeared in Le Monde.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mount&blade Weding Dance

March 8: International Women's Day

International Day women, is a time to celebrate the role of women in all areas of human development that produce positive progress, social harmony and the possibility of general improvement of living conditions our generation and future generations. Why
was chosen on March 8 to commemorate this day?

The historical record is not very explicit. However, two important facts are given and occurred both in the city of New York.

* The first was a march of women textile workers in 1857. Thousands of women marched to the affluent suburbs of New York to protest the miserable conditions of women workers.

* The second occurred in 1908. That year, 40,000 industrial seamstresses large factories went on strike demanding the right to join unions, better pay, a day less working, vocational training and the rejection of child labor. During the strike, 129 workers died in a fire at the factory Cotton Textile Factory in Washington Square, New York. The factory owners had locked up their workers to force them to stay on the job and not join the strike.