BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY II, From Sinai to death May 4, 2011 --- Saul
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
During the sixteenth century BC, the Israelites are enduring hard labor in Egypt. Miriam, Aaron and Moses born. Pharaoh decreed that all male babies be killed, but Moses is rescued by Pharaoh's daughter and raised in the house of Pharaoh himself. At forty years, Moses is offered as a savior of his people, but is forced to flee Egypt. Experience the next forty years in Midian as a shepherd.
image of a Pharaoh
Egyptian Dancers Court
When Moses is 80 years old, Jehovah appeared to Moses in the burning bush and commissioned him to return to Egypt to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and leads them to "a land flowing with milk and honey." Lord revealed to Moses el significado de su nombre, para que lo utilice para probar que él es el que ha sido enviado a liberar a los israelitas. De regreso a Egipto, Aarón y Moisés comparecen ante Faraón, pero Faraón se niega a dejar ir a Israel. Después de eso, Jehová destruye a los egipcios con diez plagas. Los israelitas celebran su primera Pascua en Egipto, a continuación, salen de Egipto. Los egipcios los persiguen, pero se ahogan en el Mar Rojo.
Mar Rojo en la orilla egipcia
Los israelitas viajan al Monte Sinaí, donde reciben los Diez Mandamientos y la ley. El Tabernáculo se construye, y el sacerdocio Aarónico está instalado. While they are about to enter the Promised Land, the return of ten spies makes an adverse report being afraid to enter Israel. The decree of the Lord is going to wander in the wilderness forty years.
The Bible began to be written. Moses completes the first three books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus. scientists examine Dead Sea Scrolls
The warlike Indo-Aryan
before 1597 BCE
born 1597 BCE Aaron. His parents are Amram and Jochebed, who is the sister of the father of Amram. Aaron will die in 1474 BCE to 123 years. Since this date the Israelites are suffering from the work of slavery in Egypt with a king who knew not Joseph. After the birth of Aaron, and before the birth of Moses, Pharaoh decreed that the Hebrew midwives must kill all Hebrew male babies. Exodus chapter 1, 6:13, 16-20
The watering Nile Egypt
about 1514 BC Moses is comisionjado
to a burning bush, to free Israel from slavery in Egypt. For the first time Lord makes known the true meaning of its name, I WILL PROVE TO BE, that is, progressive action, which is caused to himself as observer of his promises, which always keeps what is proposed. Genesis 2:04 and note;. Exodus 3:1-22
Sinai Desert
Top of Mount Sinai, where Moses was
The Ten Plagues Moses, 80, and Aaron, 83 years (Exodus 7:7), appear before Pharaoh, who refused to let the Israelites leave Egypt to celebrate a feast to Jehovah in the desert. Pharaoh responds, "Who is the Lord, I obey your voice and return to Israel?" I know the Lord at all and, what is more, I will not ship to Israel "
Pharaoh increases the burden on the Israelites to make bricks. This, they complain to Moses and Aaron. Jehovah says to Moses: "Certainly I will take from under the burdens of the Egyptians and deliver you to be their slaves"
molded mud bricks and straw
A Moses is commanded to speak again to Pharaoh and tell him to send the children of Israel out of their land.
throws his rod before Pharaoh and became a great serpent. The priests do the same with his magic, but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods priests.
The next day Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh at the Nile I say on behalf of the Lord:
"Here I will strike with the rod that is in my hand on the water that is in the Nile River, and certainly into blood. And the fish in the Nile will die, and the Nile really stink, and the Egyptians will not be just like drinking water River Nile
know why I am the LORD. Ten Plagues or shock "Here I will strike with the rod that is in my hand on the water that is in the Nile River, and certainly into blood. And the fish in the Nile will die, and the Nile really stink, and the Egyptians will not be just like drinking water River Nile
will fall on Egypt to Pharaoh, qie finally allows the Israelites to leave. (Exodus chapters 7-12) These pests are not random blows, feet, each is a calculated humiliation to one or more of the mythological gods of Egypt, in the following way: turn water Nile blood humbled the god Hapi. Fish died revered by the Egyptians who lived in the matrix of the Nile god Osiris was probably in the Predynastic times a river god, or god-water, and that eventually became identified with Hap, or Hapi, the
Nile god
PLAGUE OF FROGS Frogs were a symbol of fertility and resurrection, so that the pest was a blow to the god and goddess frog toad HEQT, but also ashamed of the gods of creation and fertility, Osiris, Ptah, and Sebek.
With the third plague humbles himself the god Thoth, inventor of the arts Magic, whose priests were not able to create powder sand flies or mosquitoes as Moises.Heb.: hak ‧ ‧ kin nám. Without much support, the historian Josephus (Jewish Antiquities, Book II, Chapter 14, para. 3) explains that this word means lice, and the Talmud also uses neem as lice ‧ kin. Humbled GEB, god of the earth, unable to prevent dust from becoming mosquito. THOT
Tabano or stable flies do not fall in Goshen, part of Egypt where the Israelites reside. Egypt is a mere ruin, which dishonors the tutelary goddess Buto and the god Horus, who could not control events. Buto
This pest humiliates Hathor, the cow goddess, Apis, the sacred bull, and Nut, the goddess of the sky is also represented as a cow. Jehovah will certainly make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the cattle of Egypt, and not die a single thing of all that belongs to the children of Israel. HATHOR
plagues of boils
The gods and goddesses who had healing powers, Thoth, Amon-Ra, Isis and Ptah-failed to prevent boils and blisters broke out on man and beast, and even the priests who practice magic arts.
SHU Plague of locusts Locusts
defeated the gods that ensured a plentiful harvest, as the fertility god Min, god of harvest. The three-day plague of darkness dishonor the gods of the sun as Ra and Horus and Sekhmet, the goddess who wore the solar disk, and Thoth, the god of the moon and systematizing of the sun, moon and stars. (If this pest was just before the full moon, which was filled during the tenth plague at the time of the first Passover, the plague of darkness would be so remarkable at night as darkness during the day.)
The humiliating death of the firstborn of Egypt's rulers, the Pharaohs, who were called gods, the sons of Ra, or Amon-Ra , so the death of the firstborn of Pharaoh actually meant the death of a god. Bes, the protector of the house, and Buto, the defender of the king, were defeated. The death of every firstborn shows the complete impotence of all the deities of Egypt, who were unable to save their firstborn from death. THE EXODUS
IN THE DESERT Moses makes the bitter water of Marah, sweet. (Exodus 15:22-26)
About a month after leaving Egypt in the desert of Sin, Yahweh sent them quail. Below the manna as bread. provisions were announced for a weekly rest day. About Rephidim, Moises hit a rock by water miraculously out
THE 400 YEARS OF GRIEF AND THE 430-YEAR PERIOD ENDING The 400 years that began in 1913 BCE end. also end the 430 years since the validation of the covenant of Abraham in 1943 aecdividido in two periods of 215 years.
Begins Writing Genesis and the Bible, when in the desert, Moses compiled the data from Genesis. The book's name means "origin" or "birth" The book ranges from the physical creation of the universe, including the Earth and man, until the death of Joseph in Egypt in 1657 BCE notable characters in this book, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Enoch, Noah and his 3 sons, Nimrod, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau, Rachel and Leah, and 12 children including Joseph Jacon. The promise of a seed, to be offered by humanity inherited sin and death, the sin of some of the "sons of God" and the violence of their offspring the Nephilim, Noah must build an ark to survive the flood eliminates evil mankind, the new beginning with Noah and his family after the flood, Nimrod's challenging the construction of the tower of Babel and the confusion of the languages \u200b\u200bof man and his special relationship with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Jacob's twelve sons, including special deals that are connected to the promise of the arrival of the seed.
John 5:46; building the Tabernacle is completed and opened. Start the Aaronic Priesthood, 1-7 Nisan. Nadab and Abihu, the two eldest sons of Aaron, offered fire to the LORD and his illegitimate low heat and eat. In the second month, a census of the children of Israel. All men over 20, excluding the Levites were found to be 601,550. The whole camp including women, children and lovage could be above the 3 million people.
Exodus 35-40, Leviticus 8:33-36, Numbers 1:1-3, 45, 46
Arabian desert, the Israelites crossed
Sinai desert near the
Miriam and Aaron complained against Moses. Miriam is struck with leprosy. After it is cured. Israel moves to Kadesh, near the promised land. Sent 12 spies into the land of Canaan. Ten spies reported without faith. Joshua and Caleb alone giving a good report. Are enacted 40 years of punishment, one year for each day that the spies were in the desert. Some Israeli attempt an invasion of Canaan and are defeated by the Amalekites and Canaanites. After this, Core, Dathan and Abir, rebel against Moses and Aaron. The earth swallows the rebels. People complain about this, and a plague kills 14,700 of them.
Number 13, 14 and 16 The book of Exodus in the Bible just writing
Moses of Exodus in the desert. This book covers a period of 145 years since the death of Joseph in Egypt in 1657 BCE to the inauguration of the Tabernacle in 1512 BC The story of how Lord brings to Israel from Egypt and gives them the Law through Moses. The book of Leviticus in the Bible Moses
complete the book of Leviticus in the desert. Leviticus name comes from a Greek word, "related to Levites." Leviticus includes a lunar month of 1512 BC, written while Israel was camped at the foot of Mount Sinai. The book deals with the laws of God, especially laws relating to priests of Israel, of the tribe of Levi. Leviticus 27:34
about 1511 BC
CENTURY BEFORE CHRIST 15. From 1499 BC to 1400 BC.
During this century, full roaming through the desert, and enter the promised land, under the leadership of Joshua. Full Moises Job books, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Aaron, Miriam and Moses will die without entering the promised land. Josue Josue complete book of the Bible. The Canaanites are destroyed or subjugated by the Israelites as they entered the promised land.
Vision of the Promised Land from Mount Nebo
1481 BCE A study of history shows that from this year until the end of the Second World War in 1945, a total of 3426 years, the world only had 268 years of peace, with some 8,000 peace treaties, and agreements that were made and broken.
1474 a., ec
before 1473 BCE the collection of clay tablets, known as Tel el-Amarna (or El-Amarna), discovered in 1887 in Tel el-Amarna, a about 200 kilometers south of Cairo, Egypt) were perhaps written shortly before Israel came into Canaan. They are written by leaders in Jerusalem, Megiddo, Hazor, Shechem, Lachish, Hebron, Gaza and other city-state in Palestine to the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten of the Eighteenth Dynasty, a worshiper of the sun disk Aten, and his father Amenhotep III. biblical cities mentioned in the tablets are Acco (Judges 1: 31), Ashkelon, Arvad (Ezekiel 27.8), Aroer (Numbers 32:34), Astarte (Deuteronomy 1: 4, etc.) Gebal (Ezekiel 27: 9), Gezer (Joshua 10: 33, 1 Kings 9: 15, etc.) Gath, Gaza, Jerusalem, Joppa, Keilah (1 Samuel 1: 23), Lachish (Joshua 10: 3 etc.) Megiddo, Sidon Tyre, Shechem, Sharon, Taanach, Zorah (Judges 13: 2) and Beth-Ninurta, which is probably Beth Shemesh (Joshua 15: 10, etc..).
Images of the Amarna tablets or
around 1473 BC Job
dies shortly before this year, and Moses completes the book of Job while the Israelites wander the desert. The book covers more than 140 years, between 1473 BC and 1657 BC The book recounts the experience of Job Satan to challenge their integrity to Jehovah.
1473 BCE Moses completes the Bible book of Numbers in the desert, and on the plains of Moab. The name is derived from the two censuses of the Israelites, taken 38 years apart. Numbers 1-4 and 26.
The book recounts events in a period of 38 years and 9 months, from 1512 BC to 1473 BC, the time that Israel wandered from one place to another through the desert on the way to the promised land. plains of Moab before entering the Promised Land
a second census is taken, and the number of males 20 years and more, is 601,730, ready for the military.
Moses dies at age 120 years, on Mount Nebo in Moab and was buried by Jehovah. Deuteronomy 34. It sent two spies to Canaan and are hidden by Rahab in Jericho. Josue 2, Israel enters Canaan under the leadership of Joshua. Josue 3 and 4. The men are circumcised at Gilgal. Josue 5. Jericho falls. Josue 6. Josue ago a curse to any man that raises again the foundation of Jericho, with the loss of his firstborn. This will be fulfilled 500 years later in the reign of Ahab of Israel
views from the name Nebo
foundation of Jericho
current view of Gibeon, an Arab village
Luna y Sol
Once the great conquest of the Promised Land The Ark of the alliance is led to Shiloh, where he remained until the death of the high priest Eli.
1467 BC After 6 years, complete the promised land conmquista. the land is divided among the tribes by lot.
The period of 450 years of which Paul speaks, today. Began with the birth of Isaac in 1918 BC
Number 34, Acts 13:17-20 The period of 450 years of which Paul speaks, today. Began with the birth of Isaac in 1918 BC
about 1450 BC Canaan full Josue the book that bears his name. It covers 22 years from 1473 BC and 1450 aecal recorded as Lord gives the land of Canaan to the Israelites. Josue
dies at 110 years and is buried in Timnath-Serah town in the hill country of Ephraim that was given as their heritage. 1424 BCE The 12 judges and its territories Before the era of the prophet Samuel and King Saul, the Bible prepares to 12 judges or "saviors" which Jehovah lifted to save the Israelites from their enemies many. Listed in order are Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Barak, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon and Samson.
The exact period in which they lived these judges, not specified in the Bible. But it is certain that some judges their lives overlap or overlap each other, since they lived in different parts of the country and dealing with various enemies of Israel.
Judges 2:16, Acts 13:20
Judges 2:16, Acts 13:20
Sometime before 1300 BC, was introduced on wheat in China.
In India, introduced the Hindu Rig-Veda, about 1300 BC
Rig Veda, the most important text Vedic
CENTURY BEFORE CHRIST 13. From 1299 BC to 1200 BC.
In Egypt, the pharaoh Ramses II, considered by historians to the pharaoh of the Exodus, it is unlikely to have lived this way before siglo.Pudo live some time in this century. (Barton set the dates for the reign of Ramses II between 1292-1225.) Pharaoh Merneptah, the son of Ramses II, is the 19 th dynasty (1320 to 1200 BC).
wake of the pharaoh
Mernepta Judge Gideon lives during this century, and with just 300 men, freed the Israelites from the Midianites . Judges 6:1 to 8:35
At the foot of Mount Gilboa is the Harod Spring. Judges 7 describes the action of Gideon to reduce his army. He brought his men to the spring and chose based on the drinking water. At present, there is a pool in front of the cave where the spring emerges.
CENTURY 12 BC. From 1199 BC to 1100 BC.
China: The Chinese treatise of divination, the I Ching (pronounced Yee Jing), with its explanation of yin and yang, may have been written in this century. Over the following centuries, became the basis for divination, geomancy, and other forms of divination in China.
At Megiddo, about 400 pieces of ivory were found, including beautifully carved panels, inlaid with ivory, boxes and game boards, which are estimated to date from around this century 12 BC Tel Arad (Hebrew תל ער) or Old Arad , Is an ancient city whose ruins are located 8 km from the Israeli city of Arad in the Negev Desert, west of the Dead Sea and surrounded by mountains Arad Becken. In the excavations of the site has found a collection of 200 ostraca (inscriptions on tablets made of clay) that cover a historical period that goes from unknown period until the year 607 BC
1173 BC Jephthah Judge, a judiciary begins six years ago this year. Jephthah refers to "300 years" of control of Israel to the east of the Jordan (Judges 11:26), so that their judiciary beginning about 300 years from the time when the Israelites entered the promised land in 1473 BC. 1117 BCE
The Judges period ends and starts of kings. The prophet Samuel anoints Saul as king, and Saul begins his reign of 40 years on the 12 tribes, to 1078 BC. The prophet Samuel is considered the first line of the prophets. Chief priests and Ahimelech Ahijah. Acts 3:24
Israeli archaeologists found a seal with the name of King Saul in excavations outside the Old City of Jerusalem dating from the First Temple in Jerusalem
1107 BC David, the youngest son of Jesse and future king of the 12 tribes, was born in Bethlehem. He will begin to rule in 1077 BC.
Mount Gilboa is located on the southeast side of the Jezreel Valley. King Saul was forced to commit suicide in these hills when I was about to be defeated by the Philistines
about 1100 BC Samuel
completes the Bible book of Judges. The book, written in Israel, covering some 330 years, from around 1450 to around 1120 BCE. The book is an account of the release by Israel that the Lord performed by judges. The 12 judges are Othniel (Judges 3:7-11), Ehud (Judges 3:12-30), Shamgar (Judges 3:31), Barak (Judges 4:01 to 5:31), Gideon (Judges 6:01 -9:57), Tola (Judges 10:1, 2), Jair (Judges 10:3-5), Jephthah (Judges 10:06 to 12:07), Ibzan (Judges 12:8-10), Elon ( Judges 12:11, 12), Abdon (Judges 12:13-15), and Samson (Judges 13:01 to 16:31) CENTURY BEFORE CHRIST 11. From 1099 BC to 1000 BC.
Three Kings rule over Israel in this century, Saul, David and Solomon.
In this century were also written books of Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes. The temple is built in Jerusalem.
Israeli archaeologists have discovered a seal made of bone that can be read clearly on one side the word "Shaul", the piece found broken in the top right, but clearly retains the inscription "Shaul" followed by a small fruit or floral design.
In Israel, Samuel wrote the biblical book of Ruth, which covers a period of 11 years, during the early days of the judges. Boaz marries Ruth, was the son of Rahab of Jericho and Salmon, son of a chief of Judah.
1080 and 1078 BCE David
live as a fugitive from King Saul, with his two wives, Ahinoam and Abigail, and his 600 men, who leave the territory of Saul and settle in the territory of Aquis Philistine king, in the City Gath, they live a short period of time. Aquis then gives David the city of Ziklag under Philistine control. Live there for a year and 4 months, until he learns that Saul and Jonathan died in battle. During the 16 months living in Ziklag, David and his men made incursions to the south, on land Gesuritas, Girzites, and the Amalekites, thus ensuring the southern border of Judah. However, the Philistine king is led to believe that David is making inroads into cities of Judah. 1 Samuel 27.
Dagon, the Philistine god
Ziklag ruins
around 1078 BC
The first book of Samuel is written entirely in Israel at this time with Samuel, Nathan and Gad. The book covers a period of 102 years from 1180 BC to 1078 BC, counting the final registration of the judges and early monarchy of Israel.
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