Thursday, July 5, 2007

Treba Mi Plp Za Mat Lab


" writhing" Françoise Naudet.

Having Joint Hypermobility is an advantageous quality when produced no joint pain or problems due to weakness in the tissues. When symptoms occur, it becomes a disease called Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS). For me, hypermobility is like fi fever, is indicating that something is wrong and that is that the tissues are fragile due to a defect inherited collagen. Collagen is a protein that forms the matrix of all tissues, is "steel construction." Hence, due to the weakness of the tissues is that they are common musculoskeletal problems such as joint pain, ankle sprains, strains, joint subluxations, muscle tears, meniscus tears, back pain, disc disease in young people , etc. as well as symptoms of other organs as early varices, hemorrhoids, cysts of all types, hernias, reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, my peeps, strabismus, cerebral aneurima, spontaneous rupture of the lung, etc. Also due to failure of collagen appears wearing of the joints (osteoarthritis) at a young age, since the cartilage is weak. I tell my patients that their cartilage "are not Michelin" and that lasted less than normal. In these patients with SHA Osteoporosis is common in young people. We have found in 19% of JHS patients under 30 years old, men and women in our recent study presented at the European Cogreso Rheumatology in Barcelona (June 2007). Another probl ema very important and common is chronic fatigue, dizzy and sometimes faint (Dys), which is seen in this study 64% of women and 40% of men younger than 30 years. The person appears to be weak, non-profit, no interest in participating in anything, is due to low blood pressure and has very good treatment. By walking slowly (in a Mall) or stand in a queue, you feel faint and be like "if they ran out of batteries." Mistaken for depression, fibromyalgia when in fact it is due to the SHA.

The SHA exists in the 10 to 15% of the population in most countries, but in Chile we've found in 40%. It seems that besides being highly prevalent in Chile, is also in other Latin countries. Is autosomal (not sex-linked) dominant, indicating that 50% of the children suffer. This altered gene, which causes the disease, it come to us from Spain, where also the prevalence of disease is high.

We believe that a disease that affects 40% of Chileans and can attack any organ or system is a serious health problem that is not known and not diagnosed. It is necessary that people with this disease or their family members join in a common effort to inform their physicians and policy makers the importance of the problem, to raise funds for the study and dissemination of these knowledge. Without going any further, this is the cause of the high frequency of musculo-skeletal injuries in children and pass the Chilean deportitas injured. It is also the most common cause of joint pain inany polyclinic rheumatology. Together we will succeed ...

I suggest you see my Web page, which I check every week: · review articles especially the section "Patient Information"

· Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS)

· When
suspect SHA
· Importance of diagnosis of SHA

· pain in joint hypermobility

· Dysautonomia (chronic fatigue, dizziness and fainting)

· treatment
· Osteoporosis en el SHA

* revised aquí tus preguntas y Anota y comentarios sobre la hiperlaxitud articular


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