Thursday, May 5, 2011

Forceps Extraction Images With The Names

--- --- NEW MEDICAL SUPPORT TO SUCCESS Jehovah's Christian Witnesses

Australian Our sister Tamara Coakley, 33, had a car accident taking massive blood loss, the crisis led to a spine cardiaca.Su nearly broke, her lungs collapsed, his skull was fractured and several ribs broken, like the cheek and elbow, and his spleen was ruptured. For the first time in the history of JwJ in the field of blood treatment, the sister was applied a new synthetic blood.
Within 48 hours, the synthetic blood product had come to Melbourne and five units (2350ml) were administered with great effort over two days. A sister Coakley was developed some problems such as high fever and pneumonia, but their hemoglobin levels rose more than twice.
The doctors tried to save using 10 units of blood oxygen-based synthetic hemoglobin, called HBOC-201 had to be brought from the U.S.. All worked together to save the life of the Christian faithful, working all night negotiating with the drug manufacturer, OPK Biotech, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, the Australian Quarantine and Inspection and airlines. The ethics committee approved the import of Alfred, permission was granted under special arrangements for access by the TGA and the manufacturer paid the bill.

The molecule contains a synthetic blood plasma derived from cow blood and restores the level of hemoglobin in the blood that carries oxygen to tissues. Dr. Fitzgerald added that he was familiar with the product being developed by the U.S. Navy
This blood is not only favorable in the treatment of JwJ, but is a viable alternative to blood disorder in the world for the shortage of supply of blood for transfusion

something more recuperda's sister, talks about the doctors: "They did everything possible, I am very grateful."


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