Monday, August 25, 2008

Hot Scene Ofmera Naam Joker

River View Main Man
Mountaineers Extremadura Modernization Plan after his return from Peru, and almost no time to rest I participated in the Interdisciplinary Meeting Climbing, organized by the Climbing Vocalia Fexme.

The meeting was held in the valley glacier Hoyamoros in Salamanca, in the shadow of the Tower (2401m) highest peak in Extremadura, there gathered 35 people from different clubs in the region as the Group Placentino Mountain, Meridan Group Mountaineering and others to practice some of the possible sports or spend a weekend of mountain walking in the area.
Subida por la pedrera
Entre los objetivos del encuentro estaba el dar la posibilidad de practicar disciplinas no habituales de las escalada a los más jovenes que unicamente practican escalada deportiva y boulder, aunque la zona tambien ofrece inumerables problemas de bloke y algunas vias de deportiva sobre el excelente granito de Hoyamoros, aunque la disciplina reina de la zona es la escalada clasica.

Vias como la Placa de las Aguilas, Olimpica, El diedro o la Extermadura fueron transitadas por las cordadas durante el fin de semana. Tambien con tiempo para practicar vias de escalada artificial como la clasica de la zona Los Techos, que registro su primera ascensión por los J. palcentinos García, P. Gonzalez, J. Aparicio Moreno and Manolo who also participated in the meeting, sharing and climbing among the new batch of mountaineers and those who have spent their entire life in this world. Via
artificial ceilings
not miss the fun with games, some cows pestering the night, cold cuts Emilio, Miguelito wine glass and of course the radio to follow the match from our selection basketball.

the part of young climbers , monitoring work carried out with the person who decided to encourage himself in the classical world of climbing and in turn reinforced their knowledge, after taking time for their personal challenges.


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